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MTO Ancillary and Additional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:55 pm
by Edgard
Small Convention on Forum Based Weapons

1. Any nation who has signed the General Membership Treaty may sign this Small Convention on Forum Based Weapons.

2. All signatory nations agree to refrain from and condemn the use of Forum Based Weapons.

3. Forum Based Weapons include any weapon meant to disrupted, prohibit or undermine the operation of a nation's forum or other means of public communications.

3a. Known Forum Weapons include, but are not limited to, Smiley Bombs, Spam Cannons, Posts with disruptive embedded scripts, and manual spamming of forums.

4. The use of Forum Based Weapons against a nation is considered a hostile and aggressive act of malevolent intent, intended to inflict harm upon said nation.

5. Upon giving notice, any signatory nation may exit this treaty.

6. This treaty may be amended by a 3/4ths majority of signatory nations.

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Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:55 pm
by Edgard
Small Treaty of Non-Aggression

1. Any nation who has signed the General Membership Treaty of the Small Commonwealth may sign this treaty at any time, provided they are not currently in a state of open conflict with any current signatory.

2. All signatory nations shall not engage in any hostile or aggressive action toward any other signatory nation.

3. If there is a dispute between signatory nations they will bring it before an agreed upon neutral third party for arbitration. If no third party can be agreed upon the matter shall be arbitrated by the General Assembly.

4. This treaty does not include Recreational Wars that are considered friendly by the nations involved at the initiation of the recreational war.

5. Upon giving notice, any signatory nation may exit this treaty.

6. This treaty may be amended by a 3/4ths majority of signatory nations.


Kleine Verdrag van non-agressie

1. Elke natie die het Verdrag van de Kleine Gemenebest heeft ondertekend kan dit verdrag te allen tijde ondertekenen, mits men momenteel niet in staat van een conflict is met een huidige ondertekenaar.

2. Alle ondertekenende landen moeten zich niet inlaten met een vijandige of agressieve actie richting andere ondertekenende naties.

3. Wanneer een geschil is tussen de ondertekenende landen, zal de zaak overgebracht worden aan een neutrale derde partij voor arbitrage. Als er geen derde partij kan worden overeengekomen komt de zaak voor de Algemene Vergadering.

4. Dit verdrag bevat geen Recreatieve Wars die als vriendelijk gezien worden door de volkeren die betrokken zijn bij een Recwar-oorlog.

5. Na de ondertekening, kan een ondertekende natie zich altijd terugtrekken uit dit verdrag.

6. Dit verdrag kan worden gewijzigd onder de verschillende ondertekenaars met een drievierdemeerderheid.

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Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:57 pm
by Edgard
The Small, Rational Mutual Defense Treaty

1. Any member nation of the Small Commonwealth may sign this treaty as long as they have also signed the Small Non-Aggression Treaty, and have the consent of 1/3rd of current signatory nations.

2. All signatory nations vow to give military aid to any other signatory nation that has been attacked by an aggressor state.

3. If the conflict above was created by the fulfillment of the signatory nation of another military treaty or alliance, this treaty is not invoked.

4. A Recreational War, deemed friendly by the nations involved at the initiation of the war, shall not invoke this treaty.

5. Upon giving notice, any signatory nation may leave this treaty within 24 hours of the notice.

6. This treaty may be amended by a 3/4th majority of signatory nations.

Amendment Tracker

Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:58 pm
by Edgard
Small Commonwealth Ongoing recWar League Treaty

1. Any nation who has signed the General Membership Treaty may sign this Small Commonwealth Ongoing recWar League Treaty.

2. Upon the signing of this treaty, the signatory nation must nominate which subforum their SCOWL business will be handled in. If this subforum is not one belonging to an existing nation, they must also nominate a SCOWL judge from among their citizenry to be the judge for that subforum.

3. Signatory nations can only withdraw from this treaty if they also control all their land (as indicated on the MCS map) in SCOWL. When they leave, their land will no longer be valid for SCOWL purposes, though their citizens may continue to participate in SCOWL from the other signatory nations if they wish.

4. An overall judge shall be elected from those currently acting as SCOWL judges by the signatory nation. The overall judge shall have the final word in all disputes, and the responsibility to amend the rules where necessary.

5. The overall judge may be removed by a no-confidence vote of 2/3 of the signatory nations. At this time, a new overall judge shall be elected.

6. If the overall judge ceases to be a SCOWL judge, a new judge shall be elected by the signatory nations.

7. The full and authoritative rules for SCOWL will be held in the Small Commonwealth forum. All signatory nations must link to this authoritative version of the rules. These rules may only be amended as outlined within them.

8. This treaty may be modified by the agreement of 3/4s of signatory nations.

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Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:01 pm
by Edgard
Convention on the Establishment of a Commonwealth Court.

1.Any State who has signed and ratified the General Membership Treaty and been accepted into the Commonwealth, may sign and ratify, in accordance with its own constitutional procedure, the present Convention on the Commonwealth Court

2.The Parties to this Convention hereby establish the Commonwealth Court (“CC”, “the Court”) as an independent and free court of justice and law.

3.The Court shall have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to international dispute between signatory nations.

4.The Court shall have the power to interpret the Treaties and Conventions of the Commonwealth, subject to the Treaties and Conventions themselves.

5.The Court shall consist of a panel of three jurists independent of the government of the participatory States, elected by the signatory nations of this treaty. The election shall be overseen by the Primate of the Commonwealth. The Jurists of the Commonwealth Court need not be national representatives.

6. Disputes within a nation about a treaty or convention are dealt with by the concerning nations established court.

7. A signatory nation may grant, through the legal processes of that nation, additional powers to the Commonwealth Court, within the Jurisdiction of that signatory nation. The Commonwealth Court is not required to hear cases stemming from this clause.

8.This Convention may be amended by a qualified majority of the State Parties exceeding three fourths of the votes cast.

Amendment Tracker

Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:01 pm
by Edgard
Micras Intellectual Property Protection Act (MIPPA)

1. Any nation who has signed the Convention on the Establishment of a Common Court may sign this treaty.

2. Trademarks
a. Definition – a name, slogan, motto, or piece of art that a company associates with a product, line of products, business plan, or the company at large.
b. Trademarks cannot be modified and still retain their protection under MIPPA. This includes changing the spelling of a name, the words in a motto or slogan, or the graphic or colors of an image. If a change is made a new trademark is created and proof of ownership of the new trademark is required independently of the original.
i. Extremely minor changes may be exempt to this rule. The Common Court will determine if a change counts as extremely minor.
c. The owner(s) of a trademark, being by default its creator(s), may, at any time, choose to abandon the trademark, or to transfer full ownership of it to another entity.

3. Intellectual Property
a. Definition – any creative effort that can be claimed by a single individual or a group with known, discrete members. Creative efforts include songs, poems, works of art, stories, essays, editorials, or any other media that can reasonably be inferred as to being appropriate for this protection.
b. Intellectual property is protected under the MIPPA and the Common Court for all citizens of all nations in the MTO. It is not necessary to apply for or register intellectual property – only be able to prove ownership if the need arises.
c. The owner(s) of the intellectual property, being by default its creator(s), has the right to sell or give their property to any individual or organization they choose. However, once they have relinquished control, they are no longer the owner in any legal sense.

4. Copyright
a. Copyright refers to the Common Court's protection over trademarks and intellectual property.
b. The copyright protection includes:
i. No other individual or group may take credit for the content’s creation.
ii. No other individual or group may use the content without permission.
iii. No other individual or group may reproduce or alter the content without permission.
iv. No other individual or group may make profit, including any reasonably inferred form of indirect profit, from use of the content.
c. At any point, the owner(s) of the creative effort may voluntarily waive copyright protection for whatever purposes they desire, either to a certain individual or group, or to the general public at large. They may also cease waiving copyright protection at any time.

5. Violations
a. Any citizen, group of individuals, or corporate entity may file a claim of copyright infringement to the Common Court. This will start an investigation hearing to determine if the claim holds merit.
b. Claims will be judged by the Common Court on the following criteria:
i. Original creation of material (date and evidence)
ii. Proof of a transfer of ownership, if the owner(s) is not the original creator(s).
c. Copyright infringement claims must be filed for any action to occur. Claims not filed with result in no legal action even if the copyright law is clearly being violated.
d. Signers of this treaty are obligated to accepting the court's ruling in a copyright violation claim by making sure any at fault parties in their citizen bases comply with the court's rulings and cease use of copyrighted materials. There is no mandatory criminal or economic penalty for violating copyright claim, though nations can handle any domestic penalties they wish under their own law systems.

6. Any trademarks intellectual property created before the passage of this act shall automatically be considered under Common Court copyright protection.

7. This Convention may be amended by a qualified majority of the State Parties exceeding three fourths of the votes cast.

Amendment Tracker
  • MTO/Common Court name amendment passed 13 Sept, 2011 (2-0).

Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:02 pm
by Edgard
Treaty to Establish the Intermicronational Commission

1. Any State who has signed and ratified the General Membership Treaty and been accepted into the MTO, may sign and ratify, in accordance with its own constitutional procedure, the present Treaty of the Intermicronational Commission.

2. Parties to this treaty establish the Intermicronational Commission (the "IC", the Commission) as an organization that operates independently of the Micras Treaty Organization. The Commission convenes in a sub-board within the Micras Treaty Organization's board.

3. The Commission shall not pass any resolution unless to do otherwise would seriously endanger the maintenance of international peace and security. Resolutions passed by the Commission are only applicable to the current parties to this treaty and all parties to this treaty must abide by any and all resolutions passed by the Commission. Parties to this treaty who are also party to the Standardized Currency and Unified Economy treaty further agree to be bound by resolutions that deal with SCUE economics.

3b. The Commission determines if parties to this treaty are abiding by relevant resolutions. If a party to this treaty is determined not to be abiding by a resolution's stipulations, the Commission may impose further punitive actions.

4. Each party to this treaty sends one delegate to the Commission. Each delegate has one vote. All decisions of the Commission must be approved by a majority (50%+1) of the delegates. Specific debate procedures are established and maintained by the Commission when it first convenes.

5. The Commission creates various permanent or temporary committees to oversee the enforcement of the Commission's decisions. Committees must be chaired or co-chaired by delegates but may be populated by non-delegates who have special knowledge of the committee's purpose. Decisions of the committees must be approved by the Commission.

6. A party to this treaty may at any time indicate their intention to cease their membership of the Commission. Such an indication shall be given by means of a letter, to the Commission, addressing the departing party's grievances. The indication shall not have effect unless it is given by an appropriate authority of the departing party authorised by law for the purposes of making such indications. The departing party's membership of the Commission, any obligation on the part of the departing party to observe binding resolutions, and any obligation on the part of or right of any other party to observe binding resolutions in respect of the departing party, shall cease when such a letter is delivered to the Commission.

7. This treaty will come into force once three parties have ratified it.

Amendment Tracker

Re: MTO Ancillary and Aditional Treaties

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:03 pm
by Edgard
Convention on the Laws of the Seas

1. Any nation that has signed the General Membership Treaty may sign this Convention.

2. The territory of a state extends 24 kilometers from the baseline coast of that state. This water is considered territorial water and subject to the full jurisdiction of the state. All matters of customs, taxation, and immigration operate as if wholly within the state.

3. The reserve zone of a state extends 360 kilometers from the baseline coast of that state. The economic and environmental resources within this zone belong fully to that state.

4. In special situations where the territorial waters or the reserve zone of two states would overlap, the line of separation will be drawn along the midpoint between the baseline of each state.

5. The baseline coast of state will be determined accordingly:
5.1. In localities where the coastline is deeply indented and cut into, or if there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its immediate vicinity, the method of straight baselines joining appropriate points may be employed in drawing the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
5.2. Where because of the presence of a delta and other natural conditions the coastline is highly unstable, the appropriate points may be selected along the furthest seaward extent of the low-water line and, notwithstanding subsequent regression of the low-water line, the straight baselines shall remain effective until changed by the coastal State in accordance with this Convention.
5.3. The drawing of straight baselines must not depart to any appreciable extent from the general direction of the coast, and the sea areas lying within the lines must be sufficiently closely linked to the land domain to be subject to the regime of internal waters.
5.4. Straight baselines shall not be drawn to and from low-tide elevations,unless lighthouses or similar installations which are permanently above sea level have been built on them or except in instances where the drawing of baselines to and from such elevations has received general international recognition.
5.5. Where the method of straight baselines is applicable under paragraph 4.1, account may be taken, in determining particular baselines, of economic interests peculiar to the region concerned, the reality and the importance of which are clearly evidenced by long usage.
5.6. The system of straight baselines may not be applied by a State in such a manner as to cut off the territorial sea of another State entirely from the high seas or a reserve zone.

6. Innocent Passage is permitted through territorial waters so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules of international law.
6.1. Passage of a foreign ship shall be considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal State if in the territorial sea it engages in any of the following activities:
6.2. any threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of the coastal State;
6.3. any exercise or practice with weapons of any kind;
6.4. any act aimed at collecting information to the prejudice of the defence or security of the coastal State;
6.5. any act of propaganda aimed at affecting the defence or security of the coastal State;
6.6. the launching, landing or taking on board of any aircraft;
6.7. the launching, landing or taking on board of any military device;
6.8. the loading or unloading of any commodity, currency or person contrary to the customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations of the coastal State;
6.9. any act of willful and serious pollution contrary to this Convention;
6.10. any fishing activities;
6.11. the carrying out of research or survey activities;
6.12. any act aimed at interfering with any systems of communication or any other facilities or installations of the coastal State;
6.13. any other activity not having a direct bearing on passage.

7. Transit passage is permitted through the reserve zone solely for the purpose of continuous and expeditious travel between one part of the international waters or reserve zone and another.

8. This treaty recognizes the following bodies of water as International Waters: Great Western Sea, Halberd Strait, Shire Sea, Central Sea, Gaeos Strait, Raynor Sea, Northern Sea, Strait of Pearls, O'Rear Strait, Dyre Straits, Captive Sea, Orange Sea, Sea of Storms, Austral Strait, Eastern Ocean, Pond Strait, Normark-Lindley Passage, New Brannum Strait, Inner Cibolan Sea, and all other open ocean that is beyond the reserve zone of every nation represented on the Micronational Cartography Society's map.
8.1. Any portion of International Waters that would otherwise be defined as the territorial water of a State is excluded from the definition of International Waters.

9. Acts of piracy, boarding with hostile intent, purposeful harm to a person, and purposeful obstruction of transit in International Waters are to be considered intolerable and go against the order and law of the high seas.

10. This convention may be amended by 3/4 majority of signatory nations.

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