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Secession looms in New Batavia

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:36 am
by frans
LUCERNE - yesterday: IRP and SCIP agreed upon a roadmap for the secession of the English speaking governorates of New Batavia. After three marches on Broekszaal and an election victory for SCIP (South Corum Independence Party), the cabinet agreed to start negotiations on resolving the issue peacefully. Referenda will be held in every governorate on the question of secession.

Cracks are showing in the IRP - DSB coalition. DSB strongly opposes the secession movement and resents the planned referenda. The IRP on the other hand, wishes to avoid more civil unrest. The party is confident that most governorates will choose for stability and oppose a secessionist adventure. The coalition parties agreed to leave the matter to the Majlis-ash-Shoera, but it's uncertain whether the coalition will survive.
